Believers in this conspiracy theory say that while normal contrails dissipate relatively quickly, contrails that linger must. The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits the erroneous belief that longlasting condensation trails are chemtrails consisting of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by highflying aircraft, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public. I started taping about 2pm and got done around 6pm. Over the hedge contains chemtrails throughout the movie, except the last 20 minutes or so when the animated sky is covered with clouds. Dubbed chemtrails by spectators, millions of people in many countries have voiced concern and questions. The song was available to download on june 22, 2008, or a day later in the united states, as well as a preorder of modern guilt. Chemtrails and depopulation an insider speaks out four.
However, airplane contrails are simply what happens when jet engines burn fuel. These thick white plumes, giant xs and grid patterns increasingly dominate the sky. Of course, there is no voluntary cessation of the trial. This system appears to be in use in countries virtually all over the entire planet. Chemtrails are not contrails our eyes do not deceive us. Solo me he parado sobre las paginas mas documentadas y mas interesantes. Chemtrails wie eine weltregierung unser wetter kontrolliert. Michael murphys upcoming film is guaranteed to be a geoengineering blockbuster.
Chemtrail conspiracy theory simple english wikipedia, the. Most scientists and workers in the aviation industry say that the trails left by planes are just a form of condensation. Transcripts deutsch unmatrix interviews kruid in het change makers. Kelli ward, a former arizona state senator, wasted your tax dollars for a town hall on chemtrail conspiracy theories. The song was made available to stream from becks official website and his myspace. Kondensstreifen oder chemtrails werden wir manipuliert. Nasa scientist admits to spraying lithium points to wallops flight facility video in this one, scientist also admits to chemtrails saying they are for the purpose of testing and measuring wind patterns. Amazon alexas strange response to question about chemtrails. Quantifying expert consensus against the existence of a secret. See all formats and editions hide other formats and editions.
Ich mochte dir in diesem video einiges zeigen, berichten, was d. There are rumors floating about the internet that the chemtrails are part of some sort of secret program the government is doing to protect the us from future biological attacks. Its the aluminum dust or the chemicals which do not dissolve. Being acutely aware of the chemtrail program and the relatively recent appearance of massive chemtrails in my area, it only makes sense that the ptb powers that be need to condition people to accept streams. Air force flew bomb attacks against the hermanngoeringwerke. First published study on chemtrails finds no evidence of. This book examines how chemtrails and ionispheric heaters like the highfrequency active auroral research project haarp in alaska services a fullspectrum. Weather modification, progress, problems, policy and potential this is a senate report put together in 1978.
Nsa whistleblower snowden enthullt schockierende wahrheit. Chemtrails wie eine weltregierung unser wetter kontrolliert inside cia tv. Chemtrails are part of an aerial spraying program that appears to be a secret government program or series of programs. Englischdeutschubersetzungen fur chemtrails im onlineworterbuch deutschworterbuch. Most books on the subject are either obscure academic histories or offthewall conspiracy theories. The clouds are, according to some, in fact chemtrails chemical or. Germanborn gustav whitehead should get the credit, they say. Magnetism december 5, 2019 aplanetruths social media links and free books november 8, 2019. Chemtrails are the medium gwen pulse radars, the various haarps, and spacebased lasers are the method, or more simply. Chemtrails can be seen as low as 18k feet while contrail formation is only supported at 37k feet according to met office. Grippewelle durch chemtrails deutsch gebundene ausgabe 29. As shown in the satellite photos in this report, much of the cloud cover around the earth is created by jet aircraft traveling in the stratosphere.
In the rain, or other atmospheric conditions where water droplets are large enough, rainbows appear due to refraction. Chemtrails chemical trails, according to various kooks, are a currently ongoing mass aerial dispersal of unknown chemicals by the powers that be, for some vague but definitely nefarious purpose. Aug 28, 2017 a gop super pac aligned with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell released a digital campaign ad about chemtrail kelli that could leave arizona voters with a false impression about republican. Free book geongineering aka chemtrails january 12, 2020 learn to selfheal through biomagnetism webinar presented by dr. Orange chemtrails in idaho 1007 chemtrails made in the evening,about 2. The chemtrail conspiracy theory is based on the erroneous belief that longlasting condensation trails are chemtrails consisting of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by highflying aircraft, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public. Researchers at the us army medical research institute of infectious diseases or usamriid at fort detrick in frederick md have reconstructed and modified the h1n1 spanish flu virus, making it far more deadly than it ever was back when it was responsible for the 19181919 flu pandemic that killed over 20 million worldwide and over 500,000 here in the us. Chemtrails not real, say leading atmospheric science experts. The keeping up with the kardashians star once tweeted an unexplained picture about chemtrails, a theory that the government is using fumes from jet. Michael murphys next film on geoengineering and the.
Aerosol and electromagnetic weapons in the age of nuclear war. Dark sunglasses can bring the subtle rainbows into the dynamic range of the human eye. We are here to being awareness to what they are doing to our environment. Together we can stop chemtrails and take back the air we breathe. Slap is commonly referred to as chemtrails or covert geoengineering, and has led to a. Chemtrails and other aviation conspiracy theories telegraph. If youve been paying attention to chemtrails, you may have observed rainbow smearing diffraction of light reflected off them.
William engdahl food francais free spirited health fukushima genocide gilad atzmon gmo gordon duff haarp harald kautzvella health iraq israel jack heart japan. The larger and older kc5 stratotanker carries 31,275 gallons of chemtrails and burns 2,650 gallons of fuel per hour. Like connecting vaccines with autism, certain topics have been so loaded with misinformation for so long that writing about them automatically invokes the specter of controversy, and not open discussion, as would be expected if discovering the truth were a priority. Chemtrail poisoning appears to be implicated in morgellons disease, a horrid condition perhaps caused by the heavy metals, synthetic dna, gno viruses, and the other toxins found in chemtrail poisoning. Download the chemtrails manual published for the usaf. Oklahoma chemtrail reports stop chemtrail spraying in. Monkeys could do this in less than a year not over 50. I am writing this in part to tell you what i tell them. The presence in regular chemtrails of barium could be seen as a proving in a mass population, producing the kinds of symptoms described. Chembows are often visible when the sunlight reflects at approximately 45 angle to the chemtrail.
To find out what was going on, the team interviewed 77 scientists who should know what theyre talking about they were either atmospheric chemists who specialise in condensation trails, or geochemists working on atmospheric deposition of dust and pollution. Contraillike cloud left by aircraft believed by spiritual people to contain chemicals or crystals. The plan is to sensitize, or condition, the us population to being wiped out by influenza a. Chemtrails are the medium directed energy is the method. A chemtrail is a trail of chemicals left by an airplane at a high altitude. Het bestaan van chemtrails wordt in het algemeen gezien als een complottheorie.
Apr 29, 2017 chemtrails wie eine weltregierung unser wetter kontrolliert inside cia tv. The songs title refers to the chemtrail conspiracy theory, as do the lyrics. May 31, 2007 this book was sent to members of the us senate and house of representatives. This is not surprising considering the sheer number of locations that chemtrails litter the sky globally. Coles chemtrails, haarp, and the full spectrum dominance of planet earth elana freeland feral house. This is one of the youngest among the more established conspiracy theories, having been first discussed at least as early as 1996, and is sadly. Price new from used from paperback, may 31, 2007 please retry. Aug 15, 2015 admittedly, when the topic of chemtrails comes up, i get a bit uneasy. Patrick smith, a us pilot, dismisses the conspiracy theory in his book about air travel. Its important to note, however, that rainbows can be seen in light reflected off chemtrails, not only refracted from behind, which may occur under other atmospheric.
Contrails may persist in the sky for hours, and they have done so since the inventions of jets. Stand with us to stop chemtrails spraying in ventura county and oklahoma. Wake up new zealand what does the globalist agenda new. Louis catholic chemtrails china christoph hoerstel christy angelle tietje cia dangerous imagination deutsch ebola enlightenment esoteric espanol f. A corrigendum for this article has been published in 2016 environ. Chemtrail activists frequently attend events and conferences on geoengineering, and indeed many academics working in this area have been subjected to threats and verbal abuse for their alleged role in the conspiracy keith 20.
This book was sent to members of the us senate and house of representatives. Celia and bill abram, retired public school teachers, have been watching chemtrails since late 1998. Admittedly, when the topic of chemtrails comes up, i get a bit uneasy. All viewpoints are allowed here, please be respectful and dont beat a dead horse. The experts we surveyed resoundingly rejected contrail photographs and test results as evidence of a largescale atmospheric conspiracy. While flying two to fivehour chemtrails missions to reflect incoming sunlight and slow global warming, a single kc10 tanker will burn 2,050 gallons of highly toxic jet fuel every hour. In this video, reactions explains the straightforward chemistry. Special thanks to all of you have been posting chemtrail youtube videos, chemtrail blog postings, chemtrail articles from oklahoma. Wellunderstood physical and chemical processes can easily explain the alleged evidence of a secret, largescale atmospheric spraying program, commonly referred to as chemtrails or covert.
Atmospheric refraction such as from a rainbow in a rainstorm is a similar phenomenon to chemtrail diffraction. Over the hedge i have noticed a growing number of chemtrails appearing in movies, television shows and even commercials lately. These chemtrails are allegedly part of a secret government program either to save earth from global warming or to kill off half of humanity. Former meteorological observer with the canadian dept. Chemtrail definition of chemtrail by the free dictionary.
May, 2017 chemtrais,haarp,analyse,beweise,mindcontrol,falsflag,orgonenergie,chembuster,elementewirbel jetzt neujetzt. Baryta carb also produces many physical symptoms, noticeable among them problems with the testes and ovaries, and consequent reproductive problems. On chemtrails and other topics by miles mathis first published april 15, 2015 since my works have now been republished on the big sites like rense, veterans today, and other places, i now get many emails from readers comparing me to dave mcgowan, donald jeffries, ed chiarini and others. This is one of the youngest among the more established conspiracy theories, having been first discussed at least as early as 1996, and is sadly still going strong despite the complete lack of. The official definition is that when the air a jet flies through is cold enough around 40c or colder, the air and exhaust fuel will instantly freeze and spread out into the clouds that are seen. Download the chemtrails manual published for the usaf academy chemtrail 7djv addison wesley publishing company, chemtrails maual, isbm. Air force flew bomb attacks against the hermanngoeringwerke, austrias largest steel mill. Law allows testing of chemicals and biological agents on civilian population, 659.
Proponents of the chemtrail conspiracy theory find support for their theories in their interpretations of sky phenomena, videos posted to the internet, and. Highbypass turbofan jet engines are less likely to create contrails because the ratio of air to exhaust is too high to facilitate the formation of condensation because the majority of air expelled from the back of the. Chemtrails in idaho report chemtrails in idaho chemtrails. This subreddit is a resource for sharing images of chemtrails and discussing the phenomena as a separate idea from contrails. Michael is in need of support to begin what he believes is his most important project in getting ongoing geoengineering programs stopped. According to a conspiracy theory, the chemicals are said to be deliberately sprayed for reasons that are kept secret by the government. Chemtrails last longer than contrails contrails fade away in a couple of minutes, whereas chemtrails remain in the air for hours. First published study on chemtrails finds no evidence of a. Chemtrail conspiracy theory simple english wikipedia. Atmospheric geoengineering anonymous report confirms climate and weather manipulation experiments conducted by the us and its allies over the past decades julian rose excerpt from water carnival the images of organisms discovered in maewan hos laboratory within a quantum jazz soundscape.
Chemtrails aka geo engineering is happening in our skies daily. Jun 08, 2017 the official definition is that when the air a jet flies through is cold enough around 40c or colder, the air and exhaust fuel will instantly freeze and spread out into the clouds that are seen. Release and reception chemtrails was premiered by zane lowe on bbc radio 1 on may 19, 2008. The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits the erroneous belief that longlasting condensation trails. Chemtrais,haarp,analyse,beweise,mindcontrol,falsflag,orgonenergie,chembuster,elementewirbel jetzt neujetzt. Chemtrails in oklahoma report chemtrails in oklahoma. This is the biggest claim that the chemtrailers get wrong. This is the largest crime against humanity in human history. Kc10 and kc5 type tankers are systematically spraying chemicals into our air supply. Click here for backup copy if first one goes down chemtrails exposed.
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